Disney CASE STUDY The Walt Disney Company – The Disney Catalog, Glendale, California – 2001 – 2005

Print Design Manager
Lead Graphic Designer
Art Director
Packaging Design
I was originally brought on as a Freelance Catalog Layout Designer through Aquent in 1999 at Disney Direct Marketing (DDM) working on The Disney Catalog. That division then underwent management restructuring and I was no longer needed. In late 2000 they brought me back again and I was quickly moved into a Design Manager/Lead Designer role and managed the budget, hiring and workload planning for a team of eight artists and was then hired full-time in 2001. During that time, I flourished and took on more roles including Art Director, Packaging Designer and Product Designer.
Design Manager & Lead Designer for The Disney Catalog averaging 17 catalogs per year, with an average 160 page count, with more than 100 million catalogs distributed, $125 million annual sales.
Design Manager & Lead Designer for An additional 30 million direct mail pieces over 5 years.
Art directed the production of 20 original covers per year for The Disney Catalog and an additional 100 in collaboration with other artists
Art Director and Designer for numerous Disney programs including: Best Guest Program, Disney Outlets’ signage and additional marketing collateral.
Corporate ID including the new logo for DisneyShopping.com.
Created Style Guides for The Disney Catalog including topography, color swatches and feel.
Managed the budget, hiring and workload for a team of eight artists.
Created the look and feel of The Disney Catalog including style guides, layout formating, typography, pagination, merchandising, gridding system, image sizing and pacing, elevating the Disney brand to its highest level
Created and managed the SKU naming convention and library with more than 10,000 imagines including Disney characters and product images
Provided artwork and imagery for Disney’s retail business units *The Disney Store).
Art Direction, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Powerpoint, Management, Excel
Catalogs & Inserts
Catalog cover and layouts designed to show off multiple products (in most scenes we are selling almost everything that you see including lamps, chandeliers, sconces, furniture, rugs, accessories, and wall art.)
The catalog page layouts were designed to showcase categories of style genres so that the catalog would flow from one style to the next. I created a style guide for all image and text layouts and formats for the other designers to utilize for consistency throughout all catalogs.
Disneyland Mini Catalog
This Disneyland Mini Catalog was created to showcase featured products from Disneyland. This Mini Catalog was an insert into the regular Disney Catalog. It was very successful and most of the pieces sold out right away. I was very excited to get to create this piece and worked with the product developers to ensure that the catalog properly reflected the significance of these iconic products.
Disney Dream Desk Catalog Inset Brochure
While working at Disney Direct Marketing as their Catalog Design Manager, I was asked to Art Direct and create a Catalog/Insert Brochure for a new line of computers Disney was creating.
It was a pleasure working with the team the created the computer and accessories and the systems sold out immediately to some very happy kids (and parents!).
InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Photo Editing
Art direction - Editorial, Fashion & product
While at Disney Direct Marketing (The Disney Catalog), I also was tasked with Art Directing some photoshoots. Here are some of the fashion, product and editorial shots. These images were for the The Disney Catalog, The Disney Best Guest Loyalty Program and for the Disney Dream Desk. For each photoshoot, I would work with the producer, studio and photographer to accomplish the goal of creating an image that reflected Disney’s sense of fun, whimsy, magic and quality. The images for the catalog had to fit within the larger story of the catalog, so it was imperative that we kept the styling in sync with the rest of the photoshoots for the catalog products.
InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Photo Editing
Direct mail pieces
Art directed and Lead Creative for print collateral for Disney’s Best Guest loyalty program, a bi-monthly program for Disney Direct Marketing’s best customers who represent 80% of Disney’s catalog business and Disney Auction’s Certificate of Authenticity.
Art directed and Lead Creative for Disney Outlet’s signage, Sales Promotions, Special Events and various other marketing projects and business presentations.
Corporate Identity, branding & logos
The Disney Catalog launched it’s first website back in 2003 and we started with the URL Disneyshopping.com (It would later be merged with The Disney Store and then become disneystore.com) we needed to come up with a logo and favicon for the website. I produced multiple designs and the version with the box and bow was chosen. I also created logos for Disney Auctions Certificate of Authenticity, Disney At Home (a division of the Disney Catalog) and the Best Guest Program.