Inline distributing co. CASE STUDY Inline Distributing Co., Sylmar, California – 2010 – 2020

Head of Marketing
Catalog & Print Design
Website Design
Packaging Design
Social Media Marketing
While I was working for Lamps Plus, I performed monthly Press Checks at World Color in Merced, Ca. After I left, I got a call from the owner of Inline, Scott Bader, who had been referred to me by World Color (I had a great working relationship with everyone at World Color from the plant manager to the press operators). Scott originally called me to build a world-class industrial products catalog. As I continued to work with the company, they kept adding more and more tasks until I was finally running their Marketing Dept.
- Hired & Managed/Mentored 3 employees
- Project Managed, Designed, and Produced four 200+ page Product Catalogs
- In-Store Merchandising, Sales Promo Flyers, Point of Purchase Displays, Posters, and Window Decals
- Magazine Advertising
- Private Label and Vendor Product Labels and Packaging
- Corporate Branding, Logo Creation, and Style Guides
- Store Facade Signs, Truck Fleet Wraps and Decals, Large Format Graphics, Outdoor Flags, and Vinyl Banners
- Apparel & Specialty Product Designs
- Trade Show Setups, Promotions, Trade Show Walls, Displays & Graphics
- Created, Designed, and Maintained two eCommerce Websites (one Enterprise with 2000+ Products, one Boutique website)
- Email Newsletter & Social Media Campaigns
- Built eBay Storefront with 100+ products
- Photo Art Direction, Business Consulting, Audio & Video Presentations,
The catalogs, truck wraps, apparel and other designs are considered to be the best in the industry. Every year clients and customers begged for more apparel and products with our unique designs. I worked very closely with all of the vendors that work with Inline and have built lasting relationships with everyone I worked with.
Skill Sets:
Project Management, Branding, Art Direction, Copy Writing, Design, Layout, Typography, Photoshop Editing, Photography, Merchandising, 3D Modeling, Video Presentations & Ads for Social Media, Packaging Design, Advertising & Business Consulting
Catalogs & Print
Inline Distributing Company is a leader in the world of industrial supplies for Abatement, Restoration, Remediation, Disaster Response, Safety, Demolition and Construction. I’ve worked directly with the owner and other principles at Inline. They gave me the task and opportunity to create a whole new look for their company. Once it was decided upon, I began creating all marketing materials from the Catalog, to Corporate ID, Signage, Multiple Websites, Emails and Banners, all Printed Material, and even full Semi-Truck Graphics Wraps. I really enjoy working with this company and am very proud of what we’ve accomplished together. I just the newest finished Inline Restoration & Remediation 200+ page full-color catalog for Inline Distributing Company.
My working relationship started in 2010 and I’ve worked with the company ever since then.
Art Direction, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Powerpoint, HTML/CSS, Management, Excel, Photography, Copywriting, Art Direction, Merchandising
About & Projects
After creating the initial Inline Catalog back in 2011, and rebranding the company, they asked for my help in redesigning their inlineco. com website. The front facing part of the website was built in WordPress and eCommerce was built with Infor’s Storefront. I designed the WordPress site and continued to consult and supply graphics
and updates after the new design was deployed. Inline was extremely happy with the look, feel andfunctionality of the design. I partnered with Free Market Media Group
who did the app and web coding for the site.
In 2017 they decided they wanted to update the website and eCommerce store. They contracted a company to build a Magento website for them. When I was brought on as Head of Marketing in 2018, I designed the Magento site while they worked to develop the site’s backend. After months of working with them they still hadn’t delivered the website and company wasn’t working out, so I proposed building a new WordPress website with WooCommerce storefront. With the help of a employee that I hired, I designed the new site and we build the site out 2000 products in a 3 month window. It’s functioning incredibly well and sales have more than doubled in 1 year and sales continue to increase every month.
While Head of Marketing, I was asked to build a boutique website for another division of the company. This website didn’t need an eCommerce element, but to be informational. Again working with an employee that I hired we built it out on 2-3 months. Although the site doesn’t have sales analytics, all of the principles involved are very happy with the result. I also designed the logo and branding for the website as well.
Inline Distributing Company
Create new custom WordPress website interface that integrated with Infor Storefront.
Photoshop, Illustrator, WordPress, HTML/CSS
fleet Graphics & Facade signage
Inline created a unique vehicle for Disaster Response Units and asked me to come up with a way to represent that. I created the wrap-around graphics for the Inline Disaster Unit Semi-Trailer Warehouse and Helicopter. They loved it and asked me to outfit some of the other trucks in their fleet.
I have also produced store signs for multiple stores based on leasing compliance agreements.
Corporate Identity, branding & logos
Inline contacted me to help them create their first large catalog in 2010. At that time, they were about to seriously ramp up their advertising and marketing and they didn’t have any real corporate branding to speak of, so after starting to work with them, we came to the conclusion that they need a strong but completely unique look to all of their advertising. They loved the idea of using carbon fiber and I presented them with a unique catalog cover and logo redesign that they loved. We then created their whole marketing strategy around that and it has set them apart in their industry and now everyone knows who Inline is and they have quickly risen in awareness as a leader in their field.
Illustrator, Photoshop
Email & social media assets
Emails Campaigns
Here is a series of emails created for Inline for deployment in online Email Blasts. This branding is consistent my designs with their website, catalogs and most of their online and print marketing and graphics.
Inline Distributing Company.
Worked with Owner and Director of Marketing to create online emails.
Photoshop & Illustrator, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Facebook, Google, Instagram & Twitter.
Web Ads & Social Media
Here is a series of ads and banners created for Inline for deployment in online Newsletters, Email Blasts and Facebook.
Inline Distributing Company.
Worked with Owner and Director of Marketing to create online web ads, promos and videos.
Photoshop & Illustrator, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Facebook, Google, Instagram & Twitter.
Packaging & apparel
Private Label Packaging
I have created label designs for dozens of products for Inline over a wide variety of product lines. From 5 Gal Pails, Spray Cans, Box Designs, Product Label Designs and much more.
Photoshop & Illustrator
Inline Branded Apparel & Specialty Items
I have created Apparel & Specialty product designs for Shirts, Hoodies, Hats, Caps, Mugs, Water Bottles, Calendars, Pens, Notepads, Nametags, Hard Hats, Flash Drives and much more.
Photoshop & Illustrator