Inline Distributing Company is a leader in the world of industrial supplies for Restoration, Remediation, Disaster Response, Safety and Construction. I’ve been fortunate to have meet the owner and other principles of Inline. They’ve gave me license to create a whole new look for their company. Once it was decided upon, I began creating all marketing materials from the Catalog, to Corporate ID, Signage, Website, Emails and Banners, All Printed Material and even full Semi-Truck Graphics Wraps. I really enjoy working with this company and am very proud of what we’ve accomplished together.
I just finished Inline Restoration & Remediation 200 page full color catalog for Inline Distributing Company. The cover was a challenge because it required laying out multiple products on a 3D Globe. I love catalog work! A huge thanx to Scott Bader, Dan Morse and Sherrema Pearson at Inline for all of their help with the catalog.
Skills used on this project: Project Management, Design, Layout, Typography, Photoshop Editing, Photography, Merchandising, 3D Modeling, Advertising & PrePress.