The incredible art gallery CASE STUDY The Incredible art gallery, darthworld, enchanted paintings
and Colorado seasons, Denver, CO – 2014 – 2017
and Colorado seasons, Denver, CO – 2014 – 2017

Graphic Designer
Website Design
Advertising & Direct Mail
Social Media & Email Campaigns
I was contacted by a former Disney Product Manager (a former co-worker) who was working with a Disney Licensed Art Gallery owner. The gallery owner needed help with a catalog. They had already created a catalog with a different designer that wasn’t up to their standards. Since I was the Design Manager/Lead Designer of The Disney Catalog, they figured I’d be able to help them out and redesign it.
I designed and produced a high-end 24-page glossy catalog of Licensed Disney Artist’s work that he was very impressed with. After doing that project, he began expanding his business, and I did quite a bit of work under his businesses Colorado Seasons and Enchanted Painting. I rebuilt the website and then created store signage, email, and social media campaigns, and printed posters, postcards, and sales flyers. His business started growing rapidly and he moved his gallery to a larger and more desirable locating in downtown Denver and created a new brand The Incredible Art Gallery. He needed branding, signage, a new website, posters, email and social media campaigns and assets, packaging, and all print materials. As a 360° Designer, I handled everything and even became his business consultant as well. He continued to branch out and I created the branding and website for as well. After he was all set up, he hired an internal staff who took over everything. His business is a great success story and his business is growing to this day.
Graphic Designer for Enchanted Paintings A Disney Licensed 24 Page Catalog. I handled the design, project management, and printing.
Website Designer for, & I built all of the websites using WordPress/WooCommerce. Including all SEO and Variable setups.
Print and Web Advertising Assets and Consultation
Email Campaigns – Provided Email Campaign Assets and Consultation
Social Media Campaigns – Provided Assets and Consultations for Facebook and Instagram
Store Signage – Including Gallery Facade Sign and all In-Store Printed Materials
Vehicle Graphics – Created for Pedicabs that carried customers from other tourist destinations in Denver to the Gallery
Created Event Signage for Artist Events
Helped train his staff in Web and Print Design
InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Management, Social Media Sites, Business Consulting
Disney Fine Art by Enchanted Paintings Catalog
Disney Fine Art licenses the work of the top Disney Fine Artists in the world. One of their largest retailers was creating a catalog of artwork by another Catalog Designer. They were not happy with that design and contacted me to bring my Disney experience to help them create a stunning catalog of their work in 2 weeks time (from scratch). I was more than happy to get the assignment, and produced a catalog that everyone was head over heels for. Including me, because of this, I have had an ongoing working relationship with everyone involved.
InDesign, Photoshop & Illustrator
Logos, Posters, Signage & A-Frames
Having created Disney Fine Art Catalog, Store Signage, Printed Marketing Materials, Ads, Email Campaigns and doing Web Design for John McIntire, Owner of Colorado Seasons, he asked me to help him brand his new company The Incredible Art Gallery which was a new Gallery in Downtown Denver. So, first I developed the Logo and Corporate ID, then Store signage, then I created & designed the 2 Websites ( and and redesigned, Gallery Posters, A-Frames, Email Campaigns and all Printed Materials. I continued to help him build his brand across all platforms and mentor and train his team to maintain and continue working on it.
Photoshop & Illustrator
Emails & Social Media Images
Worked and consulted directly with the owner to create new websites (,, and and effective Web Banners, Social Media Images, Templates for Facebook, Instragram, and Twitter, GIF’s for Web Banners, Emails and Main Email Images for Templates, and much more.
Photoshop & Illustrator, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Facebook, Google, Instagram & Twitter.
Vehicle Graphics
Worked with Owner and Pedicab company to create high resolution graphics to wrap around the Pedicabs (a Pedicab is a 3 wheel trike that carries 2 passengers which is more of a tourist attraction for getting around Denver). Also, large vinyl banners that where wheeled around on carts in the most trafficked parts of downtown Denver.
Photoshop & Illustrator